Regina Coeli Report: Jul-Aug 2015

Inside this Issue

Letter from District Superior

I would like to comment on the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is not a novelty that started with the apparitions at Fatima. read the letter>

Fatima Pilgrim Statue

Embarking on her nationwide pilgrimage on March 25 from the Regina Coeli House, the pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima has visited chapels in Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Kansas.

What do people say?

Many have expressed their thoughts online and in the guest book which accompanies Our Lady on her journey.

We thank our Blessed Mother for coming to our chapel and covering us with the mantle of her protection and love. We ask God through her intercession to draw us ever closer to her."

Top photo contest

Send us your photos illustrating a particular theme [School Days]. We will choose the best from all submissions received by the deadline [Sept. 15, 2015]. Entries will be judged on photo quality, artistic sensibility, and how well they tell a story best representing the theme.

Miracles in a parish

On August 27, 1832, Fr. Charles Desgenettes was installed as pastor of Our Lady of Victory Church in Paris. The Church was abandoned and poor. The spiritual state of the parish was so decadent that only four people in addition to the choir attended Mass the following Sunday...

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