May/June 2018: The Angelus - Vocations

What is a vocation and how does one know if they are being called by God to serve Him in a more perfect way? Vocations are a great grace yet we have seen such a marked decline in the number of worldwide vocations over the last century. "What more is there to say about vocations" you may ask? More than can be said in a single issue - or several - of The Angelus

Excerpt from the Publisher:

The collapse of vocations is one of the most visible signs of the ongoing crisis in the Catholic Church, a crisis that continues more than a half-century after the close of the Second Vatican Council. An anti-clerical, anti-religious mindset infects the Mystical Body of Christ, leading to a situation where parishes all across the country continue to be condensed and closed, monasteries are emptied, and the traditional understanding of the priesthood is all but lost. “Communion services,” where lay ministers profane the Blessed Sacrament with unconsecrated hands, have taken the place of daily Mass in dioceses across the country, and the internet, a remarkable tool too often leveraged for disseminat-ing error, is now the primary outlet for “catechesis.” 

I implore you, the readers of The Angelus magazine, to take to heart the articles in this issue. If you are parents, think carefully about what you are doing to direct your children to hear Our Lord’s call. If you are a young person, take the contents of this issue as an opportunity to examine your life, pray fervently, and follow the path God has placed before you. No matter what station you have been allotted in life, please allow the contents of this issue to assist you in being a faithful soldier for Jesus Christ.

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