Alert, Protect, Treat

The U.S. District of the Society of Saint Pius X, through its Abuse Prevention and Response Program, seeks to help all victims of abuse or those wishing to submit their complaints concerning the comportment of one of its members or employees. 

According to the protocols in the Society, the District Superior has instituted an Independent Review Board on a permanent basis. 

This organization has the responsibility to advise him specifically at the preliminary level in the assessment of allegations, assistance to the alleged victim, assistance to the alleged abuser, civil and canonical procedures, administration of immediate pastoral measures, etc. At a minimum, the Independent Review Board will include a married couple, a civil lawyer, a doctor, and a canonist priest. We reserve the right to include others on a temporary or permanent basis.

Abuse Prevention and Response

As much as the SSPX wants to prevent abuse from happening in the future, it cannot neglect extending its assistance to those who are already victims. The Society has been learning about the extent of this evil for years and have been in contact with the survivors of abuse. The Society’s priests have listened to their grief and have a grasp of their suffering. It takes great courage for a person who has experienced abuse to develop trust again. Time and patience are needed before a survivor can open up, and the SSPX is committed to helping.

If you have been abused and you are still alone with your pain, the Society implores you to reach out, especially if you have suffered from a priest, religious, employee, or volunteer of the SSPX. You are encouraged to come forward and to do so with whatever spiritual, medical, or professional assistance you need. In cooperation, the SSPX wants to rectify these events, ensure that justice is exacted, and help you to overcome this evil.

Please visit the SSPX’s “Abuse Prevention and Response” website. If you have chosen to take this initial step and visit this site, the Society invites you to contact us at 

For abuse in the State of Kansas: victims and witnesses of abuse by the SSPX or other clergy can contact the Kansas Bureau of Investigation at 

Read our statement released on April 28th >